Thursday, September 06, 2007


In about 10 hours I'll be boarding the bus to KL to attend a wedding. One of many that's to come this year surprisingly. The man that's getting married is a person who's not afraid to pursue love regardless of barriers. And it looks like the determination has paid off in spades in more ways than one. He's making waves in the DJ circles, and he's making the sacrifice in the name of love. I'm proud to be invited to this man's wedding which showcases that for once, race nor religion shouldn't be a barrier.

In a way I envy the man. He's managing to pull of what I have failed to do..cross that final barrier as well as dare to pursue his dreams all the way. It's not that I had never reached those bridges, I just didn't have the guts to cross them.

So just in case I get too wasted tomorrow to say anything about it, here's to you Khalil Kenneth Lui. Grats to everything, as well as sticking it to da man!


Oh yeah, I always wanted to post this song too.

Tiada bintang
Dapat menerangkan hati yang telah dicela
Bagai ku lumpuh tak mampu berdiri
Aku tetap begini takkan berubah kerna

Aku tetap aku dan alur hidup mu bukanlah aku
Guna hati akal dan fikiranku
Berbeza engkau dan juga aku
Dua hati yang tak mungkin bersatu
Adakah aku
Hanya bonekan yang enkau sering mainkan

Yang dikawal oleh jari jarimu
Ku punya hati dan perasaan
Pernahlah engkau fikirkan
Cukuplah cukup oh cukuplah
Guna hati akal dan fikiranmu
Berbeza engkau dan juga aku
Dua hati yang tak mungkin bersatu

Tak tahan tak tahan
Sabarku tak tertahan
Melayan sikapmu perawan

Berbeza berbeza
Kau dan aku berbeza
Kita memang tak serupa

Ku ingin dilepaskan
Kita tidak sehaluan

Cukuplah sudahlah
Sampai disini sahaja
Hubungan kita berdua

Meet Uncle Hussain - Lagu Untuk Mu.


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